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Casteel relying on discipline to finish season strong

By Nathaniel Garcia


Casteel's football program has rattled off two wins in a row heading into a grudge match with Perry. (Arianna Grainey/Casteel Athletics)

Winning games and championships requires much more than just talent, while

athletes and teams strive for greatness they more often than not forget about one of the main important characteristics, discipline. The Casteel Colts football team has recognized that from the start.

The Colts started the season with a 31-21 win against the Boulder Creek Jaguars, but faced a two game skid against the Queen Creek Bulldogs and Mountain Pointe Pride. As hopes for the season started to get doubted upon, this did not discourage the team from what the Colts wanted to achieve.

“I think it should start with a passionate push, whether it’s on offense or defense, we expect to

see a more disciplined football team at the beginning and through the whole game this time,”

said Head Coach Bobby Newcombe.

With focusing on the idea of discipline as a team, it brought the Colts back to where they needed to be -- a 45-6 win against Mountain Ridge Mountain Lions and a 42-27 win against the Mesa Jackrabbits, creating a two-game winning streak. This provides a promising trajectory on the Colts desired achievements.

What exactly does discipline look like in a football team?

“Being able to be accountable and just pulling yourself to a higher standard than just being

average, you gotta push yourself to be able to be disciplined,” said starting senior quarterback Paul Palmer.

Accountability, the acknowledgment and acceptance of responsibilities for one’s actions,

decisions, and consequences is something that Casteel takes very seriously, especially in a team setting.

“On our team it comes down to doing our responsibilities and the discipline will kind of follow,”

said running back Isaiah Linyear.

Casteel values team execution in one another and works together to be able to achieve team


“It's not selfish football, it's a one to eleven on the field taking care of your responsibility, if everyone does that it's a perfect offense and defensive group,” said defensive tackle Kaleb Balke.

Time and time again in all aspects of sports, championships are not based on individuality but on those who you do it with as a team. The Colts are more than just a football team, “This is a family, trust is one of our main values, I have to be able to trust that my qb’s are gonna do our responsibility, my line gonna do our responsibility and I have to be able to trust that I will,” said Linyear.

However, cultivating self discipline is also a main aspect in being able to put on a Colt uniform.

“You gotta have that motivation in yourself, you gotta know your why and why you're doing this and that, and that’ll also help you to be self-disciplined and being able to hold yourself

accountable,” said Palmer.

“You could have that standard for yourself, you gotta recognize when you're not performing at your own standard, and know what you need to do to fix that, you get to a standard above that standard, so you can do what you need to,” added Balke.

These Colts recognize how they must perform on and off the field and how disciplined they need to be to excel and ultimately achieve a win and more. Discipline is a must for this Casteel team and will continue to carry it to their game on Oct. 11 against the Perry Pumas at Perry High School.

Their goal is to have a favorable outcome, the victory, at the end of the game.


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